
(just tell me where to go from here)

Last month I moved to downtown Charleston into a 1 bdrm carriage house with my friend Kacey. And the reality is setting in that I may be moving again in 6 weeks - I don't want to. Kacey is getting married, which I knew all along, but May 17th seemed far away a month ago. I'm tired of moving. I'm tired of not knowing what my life is going to look like from month to month. I would like to sign a year lease knowing that there is no reason for me to doubt that I will, in fact, be there for a year. I guess there is also a part of me that is scared by that thought too. Permanency becomes intimidating after having moved so much. But I feel like I need to not have a choice. I need to be locked in, unable to wonder where else I could be, what else I could be doing. It's draining.

Also, constantly in the back of my head, is that I'm 25 and still no step closer to what my heart really desires. I hesitate to even put this into words - it's so cliche. I don't want people to think I'm putting my life on hold, waiting for "it" to happen. And I guess in today's world I'm still "young," but there is a certain element of childhood expectations that will never go away. When I was a young teenager I think it was much more common to be married by now - it's amazing how quickly social norms change. And I can't necessarily say that I want to be married tomorrow. What I can say, that as a girl who is 25 and never been pursued, never been asked out on a proper date, the idea seems absurd. Absolutely absurd. It's hard to keep hoping.


Blogger lesterspiano said...

school is super crazy and i'm a bad friend. i'm writing it on my whiteboard (that i have because i'm becoming an adult) and i'll call you this weekend. take heart kiddo. thanks for writing me

2:04 PM  
Blogger ~Hope~ said...

I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND! Thank you for putting it into words. I feel the same way. I am looking forward to my upcoming move to St Louis but am really tired. I guess that is the best way to put it. But, all that to say is that you are not alone. The things that have helped me is ministry and hobbies. Hope you have a great day!

3:25 AM  
Blogger Crystal said...

JENN! Hey, girl, just checking in with yah...haven't been on your blog for ages. Hang in there with the "it" thing.."it" will happen when God deems and until then, enjoy life as a single, remember the verse in Corinthians about being about God's business when you're single but once "it" happens, you're about the business of "it"...so enjoy God while HE has you all to Himself and allow Him to prepare you for "it" in the mean time. I hope you're well, my friend...if you're looking for a place to move, we've got some space out here...not joking!!!

10:15 PM  

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