
not-so-fresh cuisine

This morning I pulled a Lean Cuisine out of the freezer. I knew it had been there a while. I looked at the expiration date - April 30 2007. "Great! I've got another month or two before this expires!" I thought.

It wasn't until I went to put it in the microwave that I realized that it was definitely May, not March.

Oh well. I still ate it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i feel like i know you better now that i've discovered and read your blog. my introverted self loves you tons!

5:35 AM  
Blogger Kelly Irene said...

the sesame chicken ones are really good...you can't even see how gross the chicken looks because it's breaded!

11:25 AM  
Blogger ~Hope~ said...

Jenn, You are back!!! I love reading your blog and have missed it. Hope you are doing well. Have a great day!

6:28 PM  

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