

I can't say that I often agree or get a whole lot out of this site/magazine, but I found this particular article worth reading and referencing: http://www.relevantmagazine.com/pc_article.php?id=7257

I myself have been longing to think outside of my small, sheltered realities and begin to connect this huge world around me through the lens of the Bible. It's a daunting idea - seemingly impossible. Perhaps it is impossible. But I think this guy's got something.


The Calm

Ok, so we're going to do some math. Below is what my life has been consumed with the past few months, in order of highest percentage to lowest:

1. Work - getting ready for THE Women in the Church Conference. (70%)
- Working with Kevin Twit and muscians to get PowerPoint slides together and dealing with their last-minute changes: 20%
- Making sure the Program and other printed materials are ready and edited and printed and on time: 35%
- Executing above PowerPoint slides at actual conference: 10%
- Pretending to help in the Bookstore: 5%

2. Getting rid of Ratticus, the house Rat: 20%
- Trying to get ahold of exterminator, memorizing his number, and being able to greet him with "hello, Patrick" everytime he calls: 10%
- Figuring out ways to stay out of the kitchen to avoid Ratticus: 10%

(Notice we're already at 90%)

3. Unpublishable secret - 5% (maybe to be announced at a later date)

4. Friends/Church/Social activities - 5%

5. Cleaning - 0%

6. Reading for fun - 0%

7. Exercising - 0%

9. Writing - 0% (if you haven't noticed)

10. Volunteering - 0%

Total: 100%

So, now, here I sit, post-conference, post-Death-of-Ratticus. What am I to do? I hope for it to look something like this:

1. Work: 25%
- I mean, I wish this were less, but I do have to work...

2. Friends: 25%
- I'm still trying to make them and keep them and get to know them better. Housewarming par-tay this weekend!

3. Get more involved in my church: 10%
- I need to get involved. I've started teaching 4-6 yr old Sunday school! We'll see how that works out...

4. Cleaning: 8%
- If you could see my room right now...

5. Reading for fun: 7%
- 7% percent doesn't sound like much, but I feel like it is. I have approx. 12 books that I've started but haven't finished.

6. Exercising: 5%
- Because it's good for me. And it's the PERFECT weather! (I agree w/ Mary - I love the Fall!)

7. Writing: 5%
- Because it's lethargic and maybe one day I'll write a book, you never know.

8. Volunteering: 5%
- I live in a city that needs to be loved, and I want to love people. I need to love people.

9. Make new friends: 5%
- (But keep the old - one is silver and the other gold...haha)

10. Be crafty - 5%
- I LOVE crafts. I need to pull out that sewing machine I got for Christmas.

EQUALING = 100% (I think...I never was good at math...)


Sometimes, I really miss these days:
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(RUF Hoedowns. My favorite roomie.)

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(formals - and taking freshmen to them :) )

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(jeffrey, and funny faces)

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(photography adventures with foxy)

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(RUF leadership retreats at the mountain cabin)

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(THE suite)

Other days, I'm happy for what I have here. Meet my atlanta friends:

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(misha and josh. and their dance moves)

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(Kate and fun shows)

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(allie and joshy)

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(the new roomies, ashley and kate)

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(fun nights)