Ok, so we're going to do some math. Below is what my life has been consumed with the past few months, in order of highest percentage to lowest:
1. Work - getting ready for THE Women in the Church Conference. (70%)
- Working with Kevin Twit and muscians to get PowerPoint slides together and dealing with their last-minute changes: 20%
- Making sure the Program and other printed materials are ready and edited and printed and on time: 35%
- Executing above PowerPoint slides at actual conference: 10%
- Pretending to help in the Bookstore: 5%
2. Getting rid of Ratticus, the house Rat: 20%
- Trying to get ahold of exterminator, memorizing his number, and being able to greet him with "hello, Patrick" everytime he calls: 10%
- Figuring out ways to stay out of the kitchen to avoid Ratticus: 10%
(Notice we're already at 90%)
3. Unpublishable secret - 5% (maybe to be announced at a later date)
4. Friends/Church/Social activities - 5%
5. Cleaning - 0%
6. Reading for fun - 0%
7. Exercising - 0%
9. Writing - 0% (if you haven't noticed)
10. Volunteering - 0%
Total: 100%
So, now, here I sit, post-conference, post-Death-of-Ratticus. What am I to do? I hope for it to look something like this:
1. Work: 25%
- I mean, I wish this were less, but I do have to work...
2. Friends: 25%
- I'm still trying to make them and keep them and get to know them better. Housewarming par-tay this weekend!
3. Get more involved in my church: 10%
- I need to get involved. I've started teaching 4-6 yr old Sunday school! We'll see how that works out...
4. Cleaning: 8%
- If you could see my room right now...
5. Reading for fun: 7%
- 7% percent doesn't sound like much, but I feel like it is. I have approx. 12 books that I've started but haven't finished.
6. Exercising: 5%
- Because it's good for me. And it's the PERFECT weather! (I agree w/ Mary - I love the Fall!)
7. Writing: 5%
- Because it's lethargic and maybe one day I'll write a book, you never know.
8. Volunteering: 5%
- I live in a city that needs to be loved, and I want to love people. I need to love people.
9. Make new friends: 5%
- (But keep the old - one is silver and the other gold...haha)
10. Be crafty - 5%
- I LOVE crafts. I need to pull out that sewing machine I got for Christmas.
EQUALING = 100% (I think...I never was good at math...)