Theology of a 5-year-old.
Dear Jesus, Thank you for this day. Thank you that I could have a good day today. Help my mom, help my dad, and help all of the things we do. Help me to be safe during the night and help me to have a good day tomorrow. In Jesus' name, Amen.
I was obviously quite a theologian in my younger years. I had the following figured out about God and life:
- God was only deserved of thanks for Good things. I once felt guilty of my Thank you that I could have a good day today line because sometimes I didn't really think I had a good day, and I really wasn't thankful. Luckily, another fine theologian told me that any day God allows us to wake up is a good day. Phew!
- God was in the business of Helping, and the word Help covers a multitude of services. Such as: providing finances, healing, and anything else that is Good.
- As long as my mom and dad were Helped everything else must be Good. It's not that I didn't want my brother, sister, or grandparents to be Helped, but if Mom and Dad were OK, everything was right with the world.
- He doesn't need our requests in detail. Help all of the things we do basically covers everything, right? See, I was already a developing journalist. Short. Sweet. To the point.
- Except for The Night - it was something to be feared - and something that actually required a detailed request for Help.
This prayer has always been in the back of my mind. But recently, in a fit of fear, I found myself actually praying it out of some sort of habit. Particularly the last part, Help me to be safe during the night. When I was younger I and I was afraid I would just repeat that part over and over and hope it worked.
Now, I'm 23. How silly - help me to be safe during the night? Pft! But, alas, living alone will make you imagine and believe crazy things. For example, I once convinced myself there was a family of Russians/Mexicans/Chinese/Insert UnAmerican Nationality Here living in my basement. It's completely logical: there's a separate entrance, I NEVER go down there, therefore strange things involving foreigners must be going on. Luckily, I was proven wrong when my father came for a visit and I made him check for me. Score: Jenn 1 Foreigners in Basement 0.
More recently I convinced myself there was someone living in the attic. Again, I've never been in the attic, but the strange noises coming from up there MUST mean that there is a creepy man with a video camera recording my every move. (Note To Self: Stop watching CSI.) I tried to conquer the fear on my own. I tried to tell myself I was crazy. That just made me more crazy. It finally climaxed two nights ago when I couldn't sleep. Help me to be safe during the night, Help me to be safe during the night... Everything I heard was The Man In The Attic. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I had to call in A Man. This lucky man happened to be Bob, a friend's husband. Bob is basically the greatest person ever, and I knew my pride could be somewhat salvaged with Bob. So, yesterday, flashlight and manliness in hand, Bob ventured to The Attic. I had visions of Bob being attacked. I had visions of Bob never coming back down from Up There. I had all kinds of visions. There's a part of me wishes there was someone up there. We women call this Validation. But, alas, and ultimately to my relief, there was nothing. Score: Jenn: 1 Man In The Attic: 0.
It's interesting. In a time of growing up I sometimes feel myself regressing to child-like tendencies. Being afraid of the dark, getting scared when Mom and Dad can't come to your rescue. But, that's what growing up is - leaving those things behind. So I'm trying. I'm learning. And, look at the score - I'm winning! (With plenty of Help from God.)